Friday, September 24, 2010

Thursday, January 29, 2009

My first time

Today is a first for me. Today I officially start a blog. You know, when blogging first went mainstream some years ago, I thought it was the dumbest idea. I remember saying "why would you post personal stuff like that on the internet? How self indulgent!".

Well, fast forward three years later and here I am, forging my own way through blogland. I suppose I started thinking about starting my own when I found myself reading others' blog chronicles. I've found myself drawn to some rather random and varied sites. I like cooking blogs, design blogs, infertility blogs, and friends' blogs, among others. And you know what, once I really got into these sites, I realized that NONE of them were self-indulgent, but instead were helpful and at times cathartic.

I'm not sure what direction this new "online diary" of mine will take, and to tell you the truth, I kind of like it that way. My life in general is sooo planned out months/years in advance that I feel it will be nice to just spew my thoughts and daily happenings out onto the keyboard, and then let the words fall where they may. Some things you and I CAN plan on seeing in this blog are a lot of doggie pics, cooking flops and successes, and details about my own personal irks and quirks.

Whew.....that's about it. You know, my first time (posting) hasn't been so bad!